33 Buckets: Our Art-4-Agua Water Impact
Sooner than we’d like, another year is approaching its close. 2021 has been a year of challenges and successes, and we at 33 Buckets want to celebrate our achievements with our supporters with our second annual Art-4-Agua Auction. Read more about why we started it last year, the impact of the generous donations, and additional information about this year’s in-person auction event.
The Origins of A-4-A
At the end of the year in 2020, we at 33 Buckets decided that there needed to be a new way to simultaneously engage our supporters, work with our community, and raise money for our future implementation projects. Facing the restrictions of COVID, we needed to be mindful of the safety of large group gatherings.
Thus, our first annual Art-4-Agua auction was born in 2020.
We started Art-4-Auga for these purposes:
Raise funds for our clean water initiatives in Cusco, Peru
Showcase local artists’ works and bring together the community
Engage our community of supporters and highlight the impact they’ve made possible
In this blog post, we’d like to highlight just how Art-4-Agua 2020 has achieved these aims and will continue to do so in our upcoming in-person gala and auction.
Impact of A-4-A 2020
In 2020, 33 Buckets hosted its very first online art auction. We raised $2,667 in total, allowing us to continue our work installing water filtration systems and promoting education for community members to maintain these systems. Much of our implementation projects were completed in the summer of 2021, where our Executive Director and two of our engineering team members flew to the communities in Peru to personally help with the construction of the filtration systems and education of community members on maintaining the systems. Read in detail about the implementation trip in our Executive Director summer update.
“On behalf of our people and as the Mayor of the District, we are very happy and grateful that we have started working with 33 Buckets and with Daniel in an important project for a clean drinking water system… We want to send greetings to all the people in the United States who put forth the effort, work hard towards innovating ideas, technologies, and systems that contribute to the necessary development of our population.”
Local Artist Donations
Art-4-Agua is inherently a collaboration between our organization, artists, and the local community. By donating their amazing works, local artists work with 33 Buckets to drive clean water efforts. In this event, we aim to feature a range of art mediums from oil painting to photographic print to sculpture work. The breadth and diversity of the art donated reflects on the range of artist creativity. Not only do their generous donations 100% financially support our efforts in Peru, but the artists featured in A-4-A will also be able to broadcast their work and name to a larger audience.
A-4-A 2021: In-person Gala and Auction
After the success of our first A-4-A, 33 Buckets felt that the event should be an in-person gala and auction. We are ecstatic to be holding our auction in-person at Four Peaks Wilson Party Palace in Tempe, AZ. This end-of-year gala and auction will showcase selected artist donation pieces, demonstrations of 33 Buckets technology, and talks from team members. Food and drinks will be served to all guests as well. All fundraising dollars will go toward our sustainable clean water initiatives.
Through this lively evening, we wish to raise awareness for 33 Buckets and highlight the works of talented and generous artists. We also want to celebrate our community and look back at all that we have achieved in terms of clean water access for our partner communities.
Without your donations and support throughout the years, we would not be able to continue to grow in our mission to empower communities with clean water access. Join us in person on December 18 at Four Peaks Wilson for our end-of-year celebration, gala, and auction.
Can’t Attend A-4-A?
Help us reach out fundraising goal through direct donation: