A Letter of Thanks - My Journey with 33 Buckets
Angelica, Vanessa, and I after renewing our partnership in the Ccorca District
It’s with a profound sense of gratitude that I am stepping down from my position as Executive Director of 33 Buckets.
Since joining the team in 2017, I have served the organization as an intern, volunteer, and eventually as its leader and Executive Director. Over these six years, 33 Buckets has given me the opportunity to spend a total of over 2 years abroad visiting and working in 35+ communities in the Cusco region of Peru. Collectively, we’ve delivered critical resources and transferred essential skills that have improved access to clean water and sanitation for over 8,400 individuals coming from thousands of multi-generational families in rural communities. I’ve met hundreds of community leaders, water managers, teachers, kids, and parents who have welcomed me and the 33 Buckets Team into their lives. While our life experience seriously could not be more different, we worked, struggled, laughed, and connected in a way that has positively and permanently changed my worldview. I never could have imagined the capacity that we have to connect with one another across cultures, borders, languages, and lifestyle. To these friends, I say: Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón, hermanas y hermanos. Tukuy sonqoymanta añay wayki panaykuna.
Erin, Adam, and I celebrating with the local independence day with our friends in Ccorca
Personally, I’ve developed deep friendships with our partners and the people of Cusco, making it a home away from home. I’ve had the pleasure of being a leader and a friend to the 50+ students, consultants, and volunteers who have driven our clean water mission over the years. Since our inception, 33 Buckets has enabled 34 individuals to travel internationally, engage in invaluable cultural exchange, and improve lives through our clean water and sanitation initiatives. I’ve also been inspired by the hundreds of individual donors and small businesses who have given a part of their livelihood to enable the organization to run. Together we have faced challenges, celebrated triumphs, and ultimately created incredible experiences and positive change that is immeasurable. To the 33 Buckets community, from my friends in the Cusco region to our supporters in the US, thank you. To my friends and family who have supported 33 Buckets, I greatly appreciate you and look forward to supporting you in your life endeavors. And of course, to the 33 Buckets Team members, I can’t thank you enough! I could not have been successful in this position without your mentorship, friendship, and contributions.
Moving forward, 33 Buckets will face necessary changes and adapt accordingly. While there is uncertainty, our Board of Directors and Volunteer Team are committed to making the best decisions for the future. I will continue to support 33 Buckets to the best of my ability, ensuring that our work continues to have a ripple effect, empowering families and communities and providing life-changing volunteer opportunities. I can personally attest to the value of the organizations’ work. If you have any interest in supporting 33 Buckets, as a team member, funder, volunteer, or partner, send me a message or email me at daniel@33buckets.org. You can also catch me at 33 Buckets’ year-end event, Art-4-Agua, on Dec. 17th in Tempe, Arizona!
My friend and wayki (Quechua for brother), LeoQuispe posing in his home with his famous Andean potatoes
As for me, I am looking forward to the next step in my journey. Regardless of my path, my goal always remains the same: drive synergy among organizations, people, and planet in pursuit of a more prosperous future. I look forward to continuing to support 33 Buckets and its clean water mission as a volunteer and life-long advocate. As my great friend, LeoQuispe, says: Haku purisunchik kuska wayki panaykuna. Let’s walk forward together, brothers and sisters.
In gratitude,
Daniel P. Hoop
Executive Director, 2020 - 2023