
Project Start: July 2019

Population Served: 120

System Used: Piping

Pucara is a small community located on the outskirts of the city of Cusco consisting of 19 families and about 120 people.

Problem: The community members of Pucara experience severe water shortages during the dry season to the point where they may go days without access to water despite their best efforts to conserve their water.

Our Action: 33 Buckets worked with the Community President, Jose Antonio, and the JASS to develop a solution to address the community’s water shortages. Fortunately an untapped spring was located in the community. We coordinated a topographic study to determine the best path to connect a new line of piping to capture this spring water and take it to the community’s main reservoir year.

Results: Together, with the JASS providing labor support, a new PVC water line was installed providing an additional ~15L/min of water (depends on time of year) to the community’s water supply. This additional water supply will help alleviate Pucara’s water shortage problems during the dry season.

Community Location: 13.29°S, 71.59°W


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